How a Real Estate Problem Solver Uses Cash for Houses NJ to Provide Real Help
Many of those who invest in real estate think of themselves that as a “real estate investor”. Most real estate investors are people who want to create wealth through real estate investing verse other investment avenues such as stocks and bonds.
Unfortunately, many home sellers tend to be more than a bit wary of these “real estate investors”. Thanks to certain media sources, when some homeowners see advertisements like “cash for houses, NJ’, they envision a shifty character with deep pockets and a shady agenda. Although selling their NJ home fast might be their best option, ads like “sell house fast NJ” now seem a bit too good to be true. Therefore, they shy away and go back to struggling to sell their home the traditional way or perhaps not at all.
Personally I don’t consider myself just a real estate investor. It’s part of what I do, all day every day J, but I consider myself a real estate problem solver (hence the company name Real Estate Solution Providers), because that’s what we set out to do for every home seller we work with.
So what does a real estate problem solver do? Read on to find out.
The Problems “Cash for Houses NJ’ Can Solve
Owning a home is the American dream, but selling a home can become an American nightmare. Not having the ability or money to pay for needed repairs/upgrades. Not knowing the true value of the home. Not knowing the current market. Not knowing what goes into selling a house. These are just a few things that a homeowner may need to deal with when trying to sell their New Jersey home.
Now let’s look at some real reasons why selling to a cash for houses company is the perfect solution…
Job Relocation
Meet Helen and Joe. Great people, good jobs. Except Helen has just been offered an amazing job. The kind of job that people working in her field usually only dream about. The trouble is accepting the position will involve moving halfway across the country. Quickly.
Helen and Joe are more than willing to make the move. Except there’s one big problem; the house. They need to sell it and sell it fast, so that they have the financial cushion they’ll need to start their new life. Homes in their area, a real estate agent says, are taking 30-60 days to sell. And then 40-50 more to close. That’s way too long for Helen, the job will be long gone by then.
The Unexpected Windfall
Kevin is a guy on the move, career is going great, work’s busy, life’s busy, he has some major plans. Those plans are sadly disrupted when his mother passes away. As he moves through the grieving process things start to get better though, except he realizes that the house she left him – a beautiful gesture, it was his childhood home – is something he has no clue what to do with.
He can’t live in it, NJ is three states away from his job. He doesn’t know anything about being a landlord so he’s too afraid to rent it out, nor does he have the time or even any desire to (he’s heard it can be a real pain in the you know what) and the fact that the house is needs a lot of work isn’t helping either. So what’s he going to do?
The Money Pit
After maybe watching one too many HGTV DIY shows, Karen and Frank decided to purchase what their Realtor termed ‘a nice little fixer upper’ home. It passed the basic inspections, but obviously needed some ‘TLC’. Because the price was good however, and they were pretty confident in their DIY skills (HGTV again), they went ahead and ‘made the deal’.
Six months in they realized that the home needs a lot more than just a couple of coats of paint and some landscaping. The electric system is old and inefficient and their energy bills are skyrocketing, but replacing it will cost a small fortune. The windows, while not broken, are leaky and poorly fitted, which isn’t helping matters at all. The roof has definitely seen better days too, but replacing that? Another small fortune. And they don’t even really want to think about that moldy smell in the basement yet…
Basically, they purchased a money pit. They need out before they go broke, but who is going to take the place off their hands when there is so much wrong?
These are just a few scenarios. People also need to sell their NJ homes fast for purely financial reasons, or because a divorce or separation is forcing them to. Some people may just be tired of living in the area and SO ready to move on. Whatever their reasons for selling though these people all have one thing in common, Real Estate Solution Providers can help!
Why I Chose To Be a Real Estate Problem Solver
Being a real estate problem solver is extremely rewarding. I’m not talking only about money wise since we don’t make money on every deal (yes it’s true, sometimes we make mistakes and lose money on deals). It’s rewarding because of the impact you have on both the sellers, the community, the economy, and your family. I love everything about what I do because of the positivity it brings and what it provides. I would never want to be perceived as, that shady dude I mentioned before. Those people don’t stay in the real estate investment business for very long because no one trusts them. Therefore, we only purchase the home from sellers searching “cash for houses NJ” if we can help solve their problem, problems like the ones I mentioned above.
How we solve a problem depends upon the situation. For Helen and Joe it would be via a fast sale and a fast closing that will get them on the road to that new job in plenty of time. For Karen and Frank, it would get them out of that money pit and into a home they could actually enjoy. And for Kevin it will mean he can get on with his life, and knowing that his beloved childhood home will make a great home for a new family to create similar memories.
Whatever your real estate problem is, we can try to solve it. Buying houses Fast for cash in NJ is more than an advertising tag line, it’s a genuine offer of help. If you think we can help solve your problem complete our contact form or call us directly at 973-551-8210 and let’s talk.